Cover Letter?

To   ,

I am often at a loss thinking what one should put in the Cover letter of an Unemployed Citizen Below drinking age. The letter of an American who has only qualified to vote once in her life, couldn’t have much in it to parallel that of a Worker whose firm defended Bill Clinton in the late 90s. My experiences are diverse, yet small in scope. Immense distinctions to the country I hope to contribute to -via the work force, took place before I could attend any form of schooling. These are misgivings, I am aware, that could cost me a chance to even be considered for any occupation. So, now that these issues have been addressed to the best of my ability in this introductory paragraph, I could only hope what I have left of this letter could persuade those reading this, to look beyond them.

In all my career choices, I seek something to ease the pressures of payments, solitude, or a lack of purpose. To ignore these calls would prompt me for failure, the kind that yields no chance for recovery. Life, even for someone so young, can press in any direction it chooses; past childhood dreams, past yearlong aspirations, and past the point of no return. These pressures are the reason I seek employment. I can survive on little to nothing, however, I wouldn’t be living. The will to live, truly live- in that way someone so young can still use to define her future, is what urges me to this job opportunity, to this career path. As much as I want comfort, I want success. I want what those of my era fight for: the freedom from boredom. I can’t find it in a device that breaks from falling the distance it’s expected to be held, nor in Films that make me want life to glow and be polished. I find it in work and achievements, in goals and milestones, in the pride I have in what I create. It is how I chose what to do with my time.

While volunteering for the several Conventions under Florida SuperCon, I was given opportunities I yearned for: to lead, support, and take orders. We stood guard of people whom we admired and did so silently, regardless of the opportunity to ask questions, or share stories. We guided those waiting in the Miami sun, into the areas of shade or at least cooler air. We managed crowds of people angry, scared, anxious, and hyper alike. We took breaks when necessary, but they were few and far between, because if we were needed, we were there. Our discipline would cost only our Supervisors’ respect, but for us, that mattered more. The pressure of my work, should it prove to be mentally rewarding, is enough to relieve the stresses outside of it. I wouldn’t mind 19 hours a day, the hours I held at FSC for free, so long as I am working for a company I believe in.

My hope is that my presence in your company, is one of drive and purpose. I believe that my presence would be helpful, and necessary. I wish to further the goals set by your people and their outlook for the future, yet,  can only guarantee my time, effort, and my best.

I am aware this is a childish cover letter, but it is the closest definition of the person submitting this resume- attempting to be hired by those reading this, I can offer. I was told that this is the point of a cover letter, and I hope it was worth the read.

Thank you for your time,
C***** H****



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